
OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Release Date And Timings In All Regions

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OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals

What is the Release Date of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals?

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals, eagerly awaited by fans of the original game, is scheduled for release on July 12, 2023.

This release date is significant as it marks a new chapter in the OXENFREE series, known for its captivating storytelling and immersive gameplay.

The OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals release date is a momentous occasion for returning players and newcomers, offering a fresh narrative experience in OXENFREE.

Expected Price of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals

The expected price of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is set at $24.99. This competitive pricing aligns with the current market standards for narrative-driven adventure games.

The price point is accessible to a wide range of gamers and reflects the quality and depth that the OXENFREE series is known for. Comparing this to similar games in the genre, the pricing strategy balances affordability with the game’s high-quality narrative and gameplay elements.

Expected Price of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals

The Official Dates And Times For OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals

The official release dates and times for OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals vary across different regions, ensuring that players worldwide can enjoy the game simultaneously. The scheduled release times are:

Region Date Time (Local) Time (PST)
Worldwide July 12, 2023 Midnight Local Time 3:00 PM PST (July 11th)
North America July 12, 2023 9:00 AM EST/6:00 AM PST 6:00 AM PST
Europe July 12, 2023 Midnight Local Time 3:00 PM PST (July 11th)
Latin America July 12, 2023 Varies by Country 6:00 AM PST (July 12th)
Oceania July 12, 2023 Varies by Country 11:00 PM PST (July 11th)

These timings cater to a global audience and ensure that no region is left behind in experiencing the launch of this much-anticipated game. The staggered release times demonstrate the developers’ commitment to creating a unified gaming experience across different time zones.

Will OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Support Cross Platform?

A significant feature of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is its support for cross-platform play between PC and Nintendo Switch. This cross-platform functionality enhances the game’s accessibility and creates a more connected and inclusive gaming community.

Players from different platforms can seamlessly interact and engage with the game, enriching the overall experience. This feature is significant in today’s gaming ecosystem, as it promotes a sense of community and allows friends to play together regardless of their chosen platform.

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Support Cross Platform

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals: Gameplay

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals offers an engaging and emotionally resonant narrative adventure. The gameplay revolves around the story of Alex Chen, who returns to her hometown of Haven Springs to unravel the mystery surrounding her brother Tyler’s disappearance.

The game is known for its branching narrative, multiple endings, and a cast of memorable characters, making each playthrough a unique experience.

The gameplay mechanics involve player choice, dialogue options, and exploration, all contributing to the dynamic storytelling for which the OXENFREE series is acclaimed.

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Characters

The main characters in OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals are pivotal to the game’s immersive storytelling. These characters include:

  • Alex Chen
  • Ryan Laidlaw
  • Steph Gingrich
  • Gabe Chen
  • Clarissa Chen
  • Pike
  • Jenn
  • Angus
  • Ren

Each character brings a unique perspective and depth to the story, contributing to the game’s rich narrative landscape. The character dynamics and interactions are crucial in driving the plot and enhancing the player’s emotional connection to the story.

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Characters

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Editions

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals will be available in two main editions:

  • Standard Edition: Includes the base game, providing players with the whole narrative experience.
  • Deluxe Edition: Comprises the base game, a digital art book, and a soundtrack, offering additional content for enthusiasts who wish to delve deeper into the game’s artistic and auditory elements.

These editions cater to different types of players, from those seeking the core gaming experience to collectors and fans who appreciate the game’s art and music.

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Minimum System Requirements

To ensure the best gaming experience, OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals has certain minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4590 or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 570
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 20 GB available space

These requirements are designed to optimize performance and visual quality on various systems. They reflect the game’s need for hardware capable of handling detailed graphics and smooth gameplay.

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Minimum System Requirements


OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is a highly anticipated sequel in the OXENFREE series, known for its engaging storytelling and rich character development. With its release date set for March 19, 2023 and a price point of $24.99, it offers an accessible and immersive gaming experience.

The game’s support for cross-platform play, captivating gameplay, various editions, and specific system requirements cater to a diverse gaming audience. OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is poised to leave a significant mark in the narrative adventure game genre.


Will OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Work On Xbox?

Yes, OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals will be available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, expanding its accessibility to a broader range of gamers.

What is the Size of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals in GB?

The size of OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is approximately 20 GB, which is typical for games of this caliber and ensures a detailed and immersive gaming environment.

Is OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals the Last Game of the Series?

OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals is not the final installment in the series. The developers plan more games in the OXENFREE universe, indicating an ongoing commitment to this beloved series.

Who Owns the OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals Franchise?

The OXENFREE 2 Lost Signals franchise is owned by Night School Studio, renowned for its innovative and narrative-driven games.

Ferdinand is a multifaceted individual with a passion for lifelong learning and a love for both the virtual and real realms. His journey spans diverse talents, from mastering game strategies to exploring video game landscapes. With a keen eye for detail and an inquisitive mind, he seeks new horizons and endless growth in gaming universe.
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