Social Media

Checking Your Instagram Follow Requests: Quick and Easy Methods

How To See Who I Requested To Follow On Instagram

Instagram has become very popular in the last ten years. Many people around the world use it. More users are now concerned about privacy. Luckily, Instagram lets you easily make your profile private to keep unwanted people away. 

Many users now have private profiles. It’s as common as having public profiles. To view someone’s private profile, you need to send a follow request. You have to wait for them to accept or deny it. Sometimes, they leave your request pending for a while.

At first, waiting for their response can be hard. So, you might want to check who you’ve asked to follow. But remember, they might not have seen your request yet. It’s important to be patient. Give them some time before thinking they’re ignoring you. 

Popular accounts often get many followers or take breaks. So, don’t assume they’re ignoring you right away. Give them a chance to see your request before feeling bad about it.

How to View Your Instagram Follow Requests that Are Pending

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to check the status of your follow requests on Instagram.

Check Instagram Follow Requests on a Computer (Web)

The most reliable way to view your pending follow requests is through your web browser. Instagram’s mobile app often changes, but the web version has stayed consistent. You can manually check by following these steps, or simply visit this URL:

  1. Go to using your preferred web browser.
  2. Click on your profile and choose “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Look for “Privacy and Security” on the left side and click on it.
  4. Select “View Account Data” from the options under “Account Data”.
  5. Under “Connections” on the top-right, click “View All” next to “Current Follow Requests”.
  6. You’ll see a list of accounts you’ve requested to follow, displayed as plain text without any links or options to cancel.


Check Instagram Follow Requests on iOS or Android (Mobile)

To view follow requests on your iOS or Android device, use the following method. However, if your Instagram app doesn’t have “Access Data”, don’t worry. You can always use the web browser method instead.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap your profile, then tap the “Menu” icon (three stacked lines) in the top-right corner.
  3. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  4. Tap on “Security” and scroll down to find “Access Data”.
  5. Under “Connections”, choose “View all currently follow requests”.


More Ways to Check Your Follow Requests

When aiming for more followers on Instagram, some users just follow everyone. If you don’t want to use the methods we mentioned, there are other ways to check your follow requests.

Checking Who Follows Another User

Looking at the followers of a popular third-party profile is a quick way to find new accounts you haven’t requested to follow. Whether it’s a friend’s account or one similar to your audience, this method helps gain followers. 

You can revisit in a few days to see who accepted or denied your requests by viewing the followers of the third-party account.


If you’ve used this method to find your past follow requests, you might notice they’re gone after a few days. This could mean they’ve accepted your request automatically or manually. Instead of a blue “Follow” button, you’ll see a white “Following” icon next to their name.

If you see a blue “Follow” button next to an account you’ve already requested to follow, they likely deny your request. 

Don’t take it personally. You can try to DM them or request to follow them again. But be careful not to annoy them by repeatedly requesting. It’s better not to be too persistent; it could make things worse.

Review Your Own Likes

When you share a photo or video on Instagram, a common way to get more followers is to request a follow from those who liked your post. Check your posts and click on the number of likes. You’ll see a list of accounts who liked it.


The list will show accounts you already follow first, then those you don’t. If you haven’t requested to follow them or if they denied your request, you’ll see a blue “Follow” button next to their name. 

This helps you see which likes are from people you follow or haven’t requested to follow yet.

Revoking Instagram Follow Requests

If you’ve sent follow requests to many accounts, you might want to cancel some. It can be disappointing to leave requests pending. 

You might wonder why they haven’t accepted. Are they avoiding you? Did they see your request? If you feel embarrassed or unsure, canceling could be a good idea.


To cancel Instagram follow requests, start by accessing your current follow requests on the web browser. Copy each account name and paste it into the search bar to find their profile. 

Once you’re on their profile, click the “Requested” button at the top, above where it says “This Account is Private”. Clicking it will cancel the follow request, and the button will change to a blue “Follow” button.

Changing Status from “Requested” to “Follow”

If you’ve requested to follow someone and the button on their profile changes back to “Follow”, it means they likely denied your request. This doesn’t mean they blocked you; they just canceled your request for some reason. 

You can try requesting to follow them again, but they might deny it again. If they had blocked you, you wouldn’t be able to see their account at all.

Revoking All Sent Follow Requests on Instagram

Automatically canceling all sent follow requests on Instagram would be convenient, but it’s not possible. You have to go through your current follow requests manually and cancel each one individually. 

Currently, there’s no app or software that can do this in bulk, as Instagram doesn’t allow this data to be scraped or collected.

Check Removed Follow Requests on Instagram

If you accidentally delete a follow request on Instagram, you might wonder if there’s a simple way to see deleted requests.


Instagram doesn’t provide a way to see deleted follow requests. Once deleted, they’re gone for good. The only way is to rely on memory and search for the account to request to follow them again. 

Alternatively, you can send them a direct message explaining the situation. They might not notice it, but it’s worth trying!

Ferdinand is a multifaceted individual with a passion for lifelong learning and a love for both the virtual and real realms. His journey spans diverse talents, from mastering game strategies to exploring video game landscapes. With a keen eye for detail and an inquisitive mind, he seeks new horizons and endless growth in gaming universe.