
Is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Cross Platform Or Cross Play? [2024 Updated]

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. Released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on December 1, 2015, and later for Nintendo Switch on September 15, 2019, it has become a popular choice among gamers.

Set in a near-future world, the game challenges players to thwart terrorist organizations through various game modes. A key question for many players is: Is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege crossplay? This article delves into the specifics of cross-platform play within the game.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Cross platform?

Yes, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is cross-platform between Xbox One and PlayStation 4. This means players on these platforms can join together in the same matches. However, the game does not support crossplay between PC and consoles.

Xbox One and PS4/PS5

The cross-platform play feature between Xbox One and PlayStation 4/PS5 is a pivotal development in the gaming world. This initiative promotes a unified gaming community, enabling players from different console ecosystems to collaborate and compete. The significance of this feature lies in its ability to provide uniform gameplay, thanks to the synchronization of game versions across these consoles.

This synchronization ensures that players enjoy a consistent experience regardless of their console choice, leading to fair competition and an inclusive gaming environment.

Xbox One and PS4

PS4 and PS5

The compatibility between PS4 and PS5 in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege exemplifies the forward-thinking approach of console manufacturers towards backward compatibility. This compatibility not only ensures that gamers can continue to enjoy their favorite titles as they upgrade their consoles but also keeps the player base united.

The seamless integration between PS4 and PS5 in Rainbow Six Siege serves as a testament to the evolving nature of gaming technology, striving to bridge the gap between different generations of consoles while maintaining a high standard of gaming experience.

PC and PS4/PS5

Despite the advancements in cross-platform play, the division between PC and console players in Rainbow Six Siege remains a notable limitation. The PC version of the game is developed with distinct features and optimizations that are not compatible with console versions.

This disparity arises from differences in hardware capabilities and user interfaces between PCs and consoles, leading to divergent gaming experiences. Consequently, this incompatibility hinders the possibility of cross-platform play between PC and PlayStation users, maintaining a separate player base for each platform.

PC and PS4

PC and Xbox One

Similar to the PC and PS4/PS5 scenario, the absence of cross-platform play between PC and Xbox One players in Rainbow Six Siege is a result of the differing game versions and optimizations. The distinct characteristics of the PC gaming environment, such as higher frame rates, different control schemes, and graphical enhancements, create a disparity with the console gaming experience.

This difference is significant enough to prevent a unified gaming session across these platforms, thereby segregating the PC and Xbox One gaming communities within Rainbow Six Siege.

Cross-Generation and Cross-Progression In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

The concept of cross-generation and cross-progression in games like Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege marks a significant shift in the gaming industry. Cross-generation play allows players of different console generations, such as PS4 and PS5, to play together, thereby extending the game’s lifespan and player engagement.

On the other hand, cross-progression enables players to carry their game progress, unlocks, and purchases across different platforms. This feature is particularly beneficial for gamers who switch between platforms or upgrade their consoles, as it provides continuity and preserves the value of their investments in the game.

Cross-Generation and Cross-Progression In Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Split-Screen?

No, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is not split-screen. This means that only one player can play the game at a time.


Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege’s approach to cross-platform play and cross-generation compatibility reflects a growing trend in the gaming industry towards more inclusive and unified gaming experiences. While there are limitations, such as the absence of cross-platform play between PC and console players, the strides made in other areas demonstrate Ubisoft’s commitment to evolving the gaming landscape.

As the technology and industry standards continue to advance, it is hoped that further integration and cross-compatibility features will be developed, further enhancing the gaming experience for players across all platforms.


Is Rainbow Six Siege cross-platform between PC and consoles?

No, Rainbow Six Siege does not support cross-platform play between PC and consoles due to differences in game versions and platform-specific optimizations.

Can Xbox One and PS4/PS5 players play together in Rainbow Six Siege?

Yes, there is cross-platform play between Xbox One and PlayStation 4/PS5, allowing players on these consoles to play together.

Does Rainbow Six Siege support cross-progression?

Cross-progression in Rainbow Six Siege allows players to maintain their progress, unlocks, and purchases across different platforms, enhancing the user experience and value of the game.

Are there any plans to introduce cross-platform play between PC and consoles for Rainbow Six Siege?

As of 2024, there is no official announcement from Ubisoft regarding the introduction of cross-platform play between PC and consoles for Rainbow Six Siege.

How does backward compatibility affect Rainbow Six Siege on different console generations?

Backward compatibility, especially between PS4 and PS5, allows players of different console generations to play Rainbow Six Siege together, promoting a more inclusive and extended gaming community.

Ferdinand is a multifaceted individual with a passion for lifelong learning and a love for both the virtual and real realms. His journey spans diverse talents, from mastering game strategies to exploring video game landscapes. With a keen eye for detail and an inquisitive mind, he seeks new horizons and endless growth in gaming universe.
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