
How to clear textbox after few seconds in c#

Considering you have a textbox that displays a message every time a control(button) is pushed. Each time the button gets pushed, some even will rise and you are displaying the result in a textbox.

Now if you want to automatically disappear the message on the textbox, following that event, you will need to set the textbox empty after a few seconds.

This post is particularly about how to clear textbox after few seconds in c# and I have added an example for demonstration purpose.

Steps to clear textbox after few seconds in c#

Basically, we have to take advantage of the Timer class (Windows.Forms.Timer) that will allow us to rise and event at user-defined intervals. Then we can use the Timer.Tickthat will occur when the given time interval has elapsed.

Make sure to use:

using System.Windows.Forms;

Then follow this:

public partial class Form1 : Form
     private Timer x = new Timer();

     public Form1()
          x.Interval = (6000);  //1 second = 1000
          x.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerTask); //evoke your custom event

     // describe your method

Then create a event to clear your textbox or anything you want to perform after the configured time frame.

private void TimerMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // do your job here

In this example, I needed to clear the string (message) from textbox.

How to clear a textbox in c#?

Just set the string to empty for the desired textbox.

TextboxName.Text = String.Empty;

Here’s the complete code required:

using System.Windows.Forms;

public partial class Form1 : Form
     private Timer x = new Timer();

     public Form1()
          x.Interval = (6000);  //1 second = 1000
          x.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerTask); 

     private void TimerTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
          TextboxName.Text = String.Empty;

Clear textbox after few seconds in c# (Example)

I know it’s not necessary, most people already know what they are looking for, however, if you need an working example, I have added one here.

I tried this method with a demo application where I need to display a message after browsing and uploading a file. Depending on the uploading process a text box will display the message whether it’s a success message or warning.

But I need to flush or reset the textbox after 5 or 6 seconds every time the message appears. So I have a textbox in the form where the timer needs to do his work.

clear textbox after few seconds

And I add the exact same code as mentioned above in the .cs file;


Now every time I upload a file a message will be displayed for 6 seconds and then disappear on the UI. I have taken a few snapshot, you will find them in the slider below.

Select a file to upload
file ready for upload
Event Response
Message auto clear

How to reset a form after a few seconds?

If you have a form and want to reset it after a successful submission message in a specific time range then you can create a button_click_event like this;

For the form submit button;

protected void btnSubmit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     textboxName.text = "Your message has been sent";
     textboxName.Visibile = true; // will display the message
     MainForm.Visible =false; // Hide the form 

     Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "4") // refresh the page in 4 sec

Set label content and make it disappear automatically

For a label to disappear automatically after a given time that can be reinvoke on a button click can be something like this.

  • Use a timer.
  • On callback, set the label content empty.
  • Restart the timer every time the button gets clicked.
  • … and the process continues.

The implementation using timer class would be;

private Timer timer;

private void btnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   Label = "Display your message here";
   if(timer == null)
      timer = new Timer(state => Label = String.empty, null, 5_000, Timeout.Infinte);

      timer.Change(5_000, Timeout.Infinte);

If you have other ideas to clear textbox after few seconds in c# or using JavaScript let us know in the comment box.

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I am Rupam, a Computer Application graduate with a passion for gadgets and technology. GameSpec is a platform I created to share my knowledge on gadgets and software tutorials. On this site, you can find helpful troubleshooting guides to assist you in solving common problems with software and gadgets.
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